We are not a weird family…?

I posted a little post HERE a while ago about one of my kids who catches flies. Live. With her fingers. Strange, I know.
We call her Little Miss Miyagi.
Cue, cool Karate Kid music…
Anyway, I told her to go clean up the playroom the other day and I found her, playroom uncleaned, working intently on a “project”. Ignore the large band aid on her forehead, it saved hours of screaming and therapy for a scratch from a sibling barely visible to the human eyes but clearly needed stitches if you are 5.

This was her “project” a animal sanctuary for the rehabilitation of common household flies. Complete with skateboard facilities, and wading pool. The fly might look dead, but I promise the little guy was still buzzing around, on his back, weirdly flapping and all that…. he looked like he loved his little resort vacation?
This is her explaining the value of rehabilitating flies that she has caught and why she doesn’t possibly have the time to clean the playroom when the insects of the world are in such desperate need.

How do you argue with that?


7 Responses to “We are not a weird family…?”

  1. Mach Momma Says:

    Way to cute! Isn't it a delight to see how pure in heart kidlets can be

  2. Jen Says:

    I am impressed with her facility design! Future entomologist?

  3. Riahli Says:

    Ha, ha, that is just too cute!

  4. babyyahyah Says:


  5. Naty Says:

    what a cuttie!!…

  6. A Musing Mom (Taylorclan6) Says:

    Okay, I'll agree. She's a freak. Can I have her, too? Seriously. Your kids are so dang cute I can hardly stand it. To clarify, I want the youngest two so far. Can I coupon stack?

  7. Jen Says:

    It may be the Houston water. I attended graduate school at U of H and the common housefly was our lab animal of choice.

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