24 Hour Giveaway! TWO new board games from Hasbro and MyBlog Spark!

Although the Giraffalaff was geared more towards the littler kids my bigger ones had a rally fun time with it. It was easy to set up and easy to get the hang of. Paul and I had a good time playing this one with them. I left the assembly to the kids and clean up to the kids also. If I loose the box I am in trouble, the pieces will be used as swords in no time!

Thanks to MyBlog Spark you can try out these games also! One winner will win BOTH games!

To enter this contest, just leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite game was when you were a child.

If you would like bonus entries, you can:

1. Subscribe to my blog via email subscription or RSS feed (current subscribers are eligible for this bonus).

2. Post this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

Please be sure to leave one comment per entry and include your contact information if it’s not easily accessible on your profile or blog.

Also, if you aren’t the winner or if you want to run right out and buy these games, you can print a $4 off coupon HERE. This coupon is good for ANY Elefun & Friends game (including Scatterpillar Scramble,Giraffalaff Limbo, Elefun, Hungry Hungry Hippos, & Gator Golf) and doesn’t expire until December 31st. BUT you must print it before October 31st…so print it now and save it for a great sale!


82 Responses to “24 Hour Giveaway! TWO new board games from Hasbro and MyBlog Spark!”

  1. Becky Says:

    I get your emails!

  2. Becky Says:

    I want these games for my kids so bad! I've been lusting over them at the store!My favorite game has always been Yahtzee. I could play it all day. 🙂

  3. Tonia Says:


  4. Staci Says:

    receive your newsletter

  5. Staci Says:

    I loved playing kerplunk when I was a kid! I have three kiddos that would love these games!

  6. J. Lopez Says:

    My favorite game was Clue

  7. Margie Says:

    Sorry and Trouble were always my favorite (guess I like sending people back to start). I really enjoyed Pay Day but had trouble finding people who would play because it always took too long.Margie

  8. Margie Says:

    I now get your e-mails! Thanks!Margie

  9. Katy and Wes Says:

    Those games look like so much fun! My favorite gave growing up was Twister

  10. Katy and Wes Says:

    I subscribed to your newsletter

  11. Christine Says:

    My daughter's class needs some fun games! They would love some Limbo!! Thanks for all the good deals!

  12. Christine Says:

    I subscribed to your newsletter!

  13. Life by the Handful Says:

    I loved mouse trap as a kid. I didn't even have to play the game, just setting off the traps made me happy.wri10@yahoo.com

  14. Anne Says:


  15. Anne Says:

    My favorite game was clue! great giveaway for my kids!annemolino at hotmail dot com

  16. Anne Says:

    subscriber via rss

  17. Anne Says:

    posted on FBhttp://www.facebook.com/home.php#/posted.php?id=1579017172&share_id=194643010785&comments=1#s194643010785

  18. Over Thirty Mommy Says:

    Blog Subscriber

  19. Over Thirty Mommy Says:

    I had a ton of games when I was younger. We had a ton of fun playing Hungry Hungry Hippos, Loved Monopoly but my favorite was the Wheel of Fortune game. It was the old version where you actually bought prizes instead of just winning money. I loved that game and wanted to be Vana. My mom still has all of my old games, I can't wait to get them out for my daughter some day.

  20. Julie Says:

    One of my favorite games was Flinch-the modern version is Skipbo :)aunteegem@yahoo.com

  21. Julie Says:

    Nice giveaway 🙂 email subscriberaunteegem@yahoo.com

  22. fiveofakind Says:

    Hi! The games I remember playing when I was younger was a game called Cat's Eye and Chinese Checkers, both marble games.

  23. K Says:

    Also a subscriber!

  24. K Says:

    I remember really liking 'Trouble' as a kid. I also loved 'Life'.

  25. mrsman99 Says:

    I loved playing Aggravation! My dad had a beautiful wooden copy of the game board as a gift from his brother. Uncle Leo actually sketched the whole detailed design, colored it with markers & drilled the holes by hand. These games would be a fun way to keep my boys busy this winter! I'm a follower.

  26. Melissa Says:

    Posting on my facebook site. 🙂

  27. Melissa Says:

    Favorite game as a little kid was HI HO Cherry-O. So much fun!

  28. Hattie Says:

    I loved Skip-bo and still do. We have to watch my husbands 85 year old nana when she plays b/c she cheats!!! my email is hatt1380(at)aol(dot)com

  29. Melissa Says:


  30. Kerrie Says:

    Operation was my favorite game!kerriekg@yahoo.com

  31. Kassidy Says:

    I loved connect fourkassidyKMFacker@gmail.com

  32. Heather Says:

    My favorite is candy land

  33. Amy Says:

    The best was to tie a towel around our neck and be superheroes! I was the younger one so I never got to be Wonder Woman.

  34. Amy Says:

    Blogged about it!http://faithfulfinances.blogspot.com/2009/10/my-litter-of-six-giveaway.html

  35. JTC Says:

    Please enter me. I have been looking for the Connect 4 game for Christmas. I used to really rock at that one. I am also a follower.

  36. natalie Says:

    I loved Guess Who :)Thanks for the giveaway!!

  37. snbjork Says:


  38. snbjork Says:

    Guess Who!!! I still love that game!snbjork@yahoo.com

  39. FOKXXY Says:

    When I was 9 I loved the game CLUE. Played it all the time. Have always been a big fan of scrabble. Loved connect 4 when I was little. ssummmer(at)gmail(dot)com

  40. FOKXXY Says:

    I tweeted. ssummmer(at)gmail(dot)comhttp://twitter.com/fokxxy/status/5181272120

  41. jenj22 Says:

    I loved some monopoly. I can't wait until my kids get old enough to play.

  42. Matt & Lauren Says:

    What a great giveaway – and just in time for Christmas! The only question is, would I give it to my niece, or would I keep it for my babies? Hmm …

  43. Matt & Lauren Says:

    I just signed up for emails, too – why didn't I notice that before?!?

  44. Matt & Lauren Says:

    And I facebooked about it, too!

  45. YT Says:

    My favorite game was Perfection, although my dad would always cheat by adding more time to the timer!

  46. alice Says:

    My 4 year old was just sitting over my shoulder, and when she saw the picture of the game she said, "I WANT THAT!" so… I sure hope I win.When I was a kid, I loved the Fisher Price little people with the farm, house and school. My mom kept them, and both my little girls run right for them whenever they visit grammy.Just found your blog, and I'm learning alot. Thanks. 🙂

  47. Chawksgirl4ever Says:

    awww my girls would love these!my fave game was chutes and latters or old maid

  48. Chawksgirl4ever Says:

    i subscribe via email

  49. J. Lopez Says:

    subscribed to your blog!

  50. The Prudent Patron Says:

    I subscribe via email.

  51. Melissa Says:

    My favorite game was Winner Spinner from the 60's, though I'm not that old. It was at my Grandma's house. I think it used to be my uncle's and I just loved playing it with her. I keep trying to find one on ebay that's not too expensive so my boys can play it too.

  52. Andrea Says:

    Great Giveaway! I loved board games as a kid and am slowly starting a collection for my 3 kiddos. They're just getting to the ages that they are able to play. I'd love to be able to add these. 🙂 My three favorites as a kid were clue, life and monopoly. I'm also follower if that counts for anything. :)ducki404@aol.com

  53. Andrea Says:

    I just subscribed to you blog via email subscription. :)ducki404@aol.com

  54. Our Family Says:

    I loved hungry hungry hippo and connect four!jeff.kristy@gmail.com

  55. The Wilde Family Says:

    I get your emails…. 🙂

  56. The Wilde Family Says:

    How fun! My oldest is just now getting into games and these would be perfect for us…my favorite childhood game was hungry hungry hippo or operation! Your blog is so helpful Tiff…I love it! 🙂

  57. RM Says:

    I don't recall playing a lot of games as a kid, but when i was older we always played rummy (tiles-rummikub)at family gatherings…loved it! My kids love all board games and we play many now!

  58. RM Says:

    subscriber to your blog! robynkriegermeyers at gmail dot com

  59. allielyn Says:

    Those games look so cute!

  60. heather Says:

    I subscribe to your blog via email!hether78@gmail.com

  61. heather Says:

    My favorite game as a kid was Monopoly!hether78(at)gmail(dot)com

  62. heather Says:

    I posted this giveaway on twitter!http://twitter.com/hgarlandemail: hether78@gmail.com

  63. Sha-Lo Says:

    I always loved to play monopoly. Chutes and Ladders was definitely the favorite when I was a wee little one! Thanks!

  64. ~Mo~ Says:

    My favorite game when I was littles was hungry hungry hippo!

  65. ~Mo~ Says:

    I subscribed to your RSS feed.

  66. Cheryl Says:

    My favorite game when I was little was BOGGLE. Man I would sit at the table for hours studying that grid. I know, I was a weird child.

  67. Hall Family Says:

    favorite game: mouse trap and candy land. I subscribed to the new website feed.

  68. babyyahyah Says:

    my favorite kid game is memory and I am a follower too…i hope i win for my kids!

  69. Bobbi Says:

    I loved Hungry Hungry Hipposjandbcook@cox.net

  70. Leandrea Says:

    I loved hide and seek. It beat all other games hands down! leandrea (at) gmail (dot) com

  71. MoonChylde Says:

    I get your emails!

  72. MoonChylde Says:

    My favorite game as a child was Hungry Hungry Hippos! I got it for my 5th bday and played it all the time!

  73. Wendy Says:

    I subscribe to your emailsWendydemoman21sgal@gmail.com

  74. Wendy Says:

    My favorite game was always Sorry. I used to try to play it by myself :)Wendydemoman21sgal@gmail.com

  75. Wendy Says:

    Posted on facebook!Wendydemoman21sgal@gmail.com

  76. Tracy Says:

    My favorite game was Uno. Thanks for the giveaways.

  77. Amanda Says:

    My favorite game was Connect Four.corley@wildblue.net

  78. Amanda Says:

    I am an e-mail subscriber.corley@wildblue.net

  79. Amanda Says:

    I posted the giveaway on twitter. http://twitter.com/frugalmomto4/status/5564077404corley@wildblue.net

  80. Laurie C. Says:

    I love games, especially board games. There's just something special about sitting around playing a game at the table or on the floor that you can't get playing a video game.

  81. Eric Says:

    My favorite game was definitely Operation, well maybe Mouse Trap!

  82. cora Says:

    I love dont pick the cherries and candy land I love to play games w/ my 6yr old now!

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