Breaking Down a Coupon Binder! PLUS A LOADED BINDER GIVEAWAY!

** Giveaway CLOSED!

There are many different ways to store your coupons. For me the easiest

and best way is a coupon binder. I realize that it isn’t the sexiest thing to be carrying around a grocery store, but hey, your saving money and they aren’t!

I would only get a binder that has a handle and for me a carrying strap. I have to hang onto too many kids in a parking lot to be carrying this anywhere other than my shoulder. : )

I have tried a few different binders, you will see in the video below that I was using 2 different binders at one time, but for the past 9mo. I have been using one huge binder. I use a Case It brand binder that has 2 rings inside. One is a 2 1/2 inch ring and the other is 1 inch ring.
In Aug. for back to school it is easy to find these binders. Right now it is next to impossible! I can only find them online until next August.
The left section is bigger and holds all my coupons for groceries or things I might find in a grocery store. The right side I use for everything that I buy at CVS or Walgreens. Toiletries and Pharmacy items.
I love this binder because it has so many pockets and zipper bags. I keep store circulars, grocery cards, coupon books and scissors here.
PUT YOUR NAME IN YOUR BINDER! Just incase you loose or forget it in the cart, make sure someone can get it back to you!
I use baseball card holders to store my coupons. I have a few clear CD pages in here but those are just in the back for really big coupons I can’t fold. I cut and put all my coupons in at one time. You can watch a VIDEO HERE how I do this. This method is best for me. I love to be able to flip through the pages and see exactly what I have, it also makes pulling out expired’s easy. My sections of the binder are labeled like the isles of a grocery store. I sit my binder in the child seat of the cart ( if a kid is there I have to put the binder in the cart) than I as I walk down the isles I just flip to that section of the binder and can easily see what coupons I have.
These are the categories that I have in my binder.
First section:
Second Section:
Places to buy supplies. I would estimate it to cost about $40 to put together a good binder.
AMAZON is the only place right now that I know you can get a CASE IT binder and HERE.
During the back to school sales try Target, Walmart, Walgreens and the Office Supply Stores.
Baseball Card Pages:
I get mine at Walmart, they are about 35 for $5.98. They are located in the front of the store by the baseball and Pokemon cards. Target has a bigger pack for about $15 but they are always sold out. I have heard that people get them at the Dollar Store but I have looked for a year and have never seen them.
Page Dividers:
Again, usually Walmart. Just make sure you don’t use the paper pages, they will tear in no time. Get the plastic pages. I used a label maker to label mine.

Now the fun part!!

Do you want to win your very own Coupon Binder?? It is a Blue MEAD brand, cool binder loaded with all the pages and dividers, plus some coupons!

Leave a comment telling us how you make couponing look good at the store and you are entered to win!
For additional entries, blog about, facebook, tweet or follow me!
Make sure to leave contact info of some kind!

281 Responses to “Breaking Down a Coupon Binder! PLUS A LOADED BINDER GIVEAWAY!”

  1. Lonni Harper Says:

    HI ! I always make couponing look good..with the best accessory being a well-dressed shopper ! hee hee ! Okay…so that is not always the case…but I try to look like a "smart shopper" by dressing the part ! Lonni

  2. karen g Says:

    I try not to look so stressed out as I'm digging thru my coupons while my 6month old is stirring and 8 year old thinking he's at the playground 🙂

  3. Sonya L in N,N. VA Says:

    My secret is to always try to do my super couponing without my kiddos. I sometimes get stressed when shopping with tired kids, so when I go alone and have them organized, then I feel so happy about saving so much I have a smile on my face. I always get stopped to have someone look at my binder and I kindly explain how I have it set up. I have also given a coupon or two away when I see someone getting a product that I have an extra coupon for.

  4. Kristy Crowl Says:

    I try not to looked to stresses out when couponing. This binder would be awesome i only have a small one and sometimes cant find the coupons i know i have in

  5. Kristy Crowl Says:

    I am also follow you with e-mail and am a fan on

  6. Natalie Says:

    I've just recently decided to become a faithful coupon user…AFTER discovering our budget for a family of six needs some serious taming. I used to clip a few here and there, but now I've gone so far as to search through the recycled paper bins in our town for MORE coupons! (And, there is no good-looking way to do that!) Right now, to make couponing look good at the store I simply wear a SMILE and maybe give a quiet squeal when I find a REALLY good deal! Even if my four children, ages 15, 6, 5, and 2 are with me… I'm a full-time teacher as well…so I attempt most of my shopping on the weekend or at night when my husband is at home with the children…that way my SMILE tends to stick around and my patience remain in tact. However, I have a feeling my little, lavender colored, envelope size divided file is going to be outgrown soon! I need more space and more divisions!

  7. BKFrance Says:

    I make couponing look super cool by allowing my kiddos to participate! The youngest is five so this is easy now-a-days! 🙂 My kids love to shop with coupons so I guess I've brought up some bonafide bargain hunters. We make shopping a game of finding the most coupon bargains. People usually make comments about how happy my kids look to be shopping, unlike lots of other kiddos out there! LOL

  8. Juan Says:

    Me and my girlfriend make coupoining look good. I always do the walgreens, cvs deals and put them together. She on the other hand does the grocery store, target, walmart deals and sends me out to get our goodies. We have a coupon night where we sit down and cut all our inserts while we watch a movie and our 3 doggies entertain us. We have 2 big binders one for groceries and one for toiletries. They are overflowing with coupons and we can't even close them :). When we go out to do groceries together or other deals we only take the coupons we have organized for our deals. This seems like a great organizer that we could organize in and carry to the stores. Thanks for all the deals and ideas from Hilda and Juan in Central

  9. BKFrance Says:

    Krista France

  10. Susan Says:

    I'm still trying to figure out how to make it look good. Right now I'm crazy. The binder is awesome though!

  11. Jennifer Says:

    Well I need some serious help in this area. My coupon "look" consist of me carrying around some coupons that I'm pretty sure to use and then sticking them in my purse pocket as I have put the item/s in the buggy. Not so hot to say the least:)PS…I'm a follower too!

  12. Sonya L in NN. VA Says:

    I am a fan on facebook as well 🙂

  13. Mommas159 Says:

    I try to make it look good by being totally organized. I make my list out isle by isle, itemes that I have a coupon for are marked and the coupon already pulled. I am currently using a index file type but am dying to try the binder!Im a Follower of your blog as well

  14. Laura Says:

    I have to be honest, I probably do not make couponing look that great. I have been using envelopes to put my coupons in and it makes it such a pain to do. However, when I check out at the grocery store and my grocery bill drops at least 30.00 I smile and remember why I do it. I am also a fan on facebook=)Thank you!!

  15. Melissa Says:

    I look so good with my cart of groceries and coupons as my 4 year old runs up & down the aisles yelling "Pow!" pretending to shoot deer. I really look on top of my game as my 19 month old continually sticks his finger into little openings in the cart just to get it stuck, scream, have me dislodge his finger,then repeat. So maybe I don't look so good at the store. I look like a crazy mom! But this crazy mom gets some great deals!

  16. Chris Says:

    I try to look as organized as I can, which, in reality, probably doesn't look good!! hee hee!! I have a little basket, with envelopes right now, but your system seems much more organized.

  17. Robin Says:

    I'm doing a hybrid of keeping the coupon inserts whole and carrying around loose coupons in a check file. I liked the idea of having whole inserts to just use when a sale calls for it, but I missed out a lot when there were clearance sales on things–so, I now cut out the q's I KNOW I'd use if I went to the store and file them alphabetically in the 13 folder check file. The file also is divided into stores that I get coupons for, such as CVS ECB's and Walgreens RR's. When I get those, I pop them into the file right away so that I remember to use them next trip! As for entries, I've twittered, this and have been following you on twitter, subscribed to your e-mails, follow you on facebook, and shared this great entry on my facebook page! you'll find me at robinandgeorgewright at

  18. Oakley Says:

    I make couponing look good mostly by my attitude! I am always super sweet to the cashiers, pass on helpful info to others in the store, and try to be a "coupon fairy" when I am not going to use them!Oakley (

  19. Oakley Says:

    I am also a devoted follower! 🙂 Still trying to figure out the "organized" part!Oakley (

  20. Julie Says:

    I follow all your advice about being nice to cashiers and such. I also have a small notebook where I write lists for each store…sometimes I have to compare deals on the spot if I find additional coupons!I have a link to your blog on my blog and am a FB follower!

  21. Katy and Wes Says:

    I just try and not look so confused when I am shopping. I always get hung up when I grab the wrong size of something. I definatly need to be more organized!

  22. Katy and Wes Says:

    I am also a follower!

  23. Says:

    I also have a binder. Mine is not as nice as yours but I must look good because my daughter says people are always looking at my binder with envy.

  24. Anonymous Says:

    I feel sorry for your husband. I have been reading this blog for some time now and you seem to be out of control. You treat your husband like a child in the stores and don't let him get what hewants so that you can save?? You and your followers soundllike a bunch of COUPON NAZI WOMEN. Get a life!

  25. Angela ( Says:

    I try not to stress by pulling out my coupons at home and planning my trip before I leave. This is especially true if I have two little guys with me. I put plenty of "bribes" in my purse, have my list on the outside of the envelope and coupons inside. I briskly walk the aisles getting what I need before anyone goes nuts! (including myself!)

  26. Anonymous Says:

    When I coupon of course I try my best to do it when i have enough time, at check out Im very casual and but very friendly i have made friends with supervisors after shopping I make it a point to say hi or just a wave even share one or two coupons on sale items at the store. My binder always organized and ready to go. cashiers I give pointers and suggestions.Im naturally a people person give them a minute of your time. Usually I go when the store is about to close and no one is behind me.I of course start with I apologize for the coupons it saves me alot of money since I lost my job two years ago.

  27. Are we there yet? Says:

    I try to figure out all the deals from home and write out the deals on a note pad so when I am in the store I know exactly what I am looking for and what I should be paying for it. I love your blog it has really helped me lock into the great deals!

  28. oliv2b Says:

    Anonymous are you freaking kidding me? I can not believe someone can be so hateful. You are not forced to read or follow this blog. If you really think Tiffany and her followers are "a bunch of coupon Nazi women" then DON'T READ HER BLOG! You don't even have the guts to include your name in your nasty comments. You are the one who needs to get a life!-Heather

  29. jenn Says:

    I have a little envelope system…It's accordion style, and it sits in my big purse in the child seat. It doesn't have many tabs, so I made extra with note cards and stuck them in there…it works for now, but I would so LOVE to win this binder!!jennmchenry(at)verizon(dot)net.

  30. jenn Says:

    I'm a follower!jennmchenry(at)verizon(dot)net.

  31. Christina Says:

    Well I just make a list, gather coupons and head to the store. I usually don't clip any coupons until I need them.

  32. Jenn Ruggles Says:

    I am just getting started in couponing. So I do not currently have a system. I follow you and I emailed some friends about this

  33. Kassidy Says:

    I make a list and have my coupons in a turquois binder, my binder is kept in a yellow and turquois shoulder bag, it coordinates well. 🙂

  34. EWolfe Says:

    The way I make couponing look good is that I am prepared when I go into the store and when I see my savings, I cannot help but to announce it. I get my kids excited and we say " Woo Who we saved 15.93 with coupons" And some people actually ask questions about couponing. 🙂 Love it!

  35. Amanda Davis Says:

    I've become a really serious coupon user. I never leave the house without a list (which REALLY helps with saving money) and I don't buy anything without looking for a coupon first. My FAVORITE part about making this "look" good is that I got my husband addicted too! He told me he feels so bad buying things for full price when we could find a deal, so he'll even look for a deal with the things he buys!!! 🙂

  36. Suzanne Says:

    To "anonymous" (or someone that is so secure with their comment that they don't leave their true identity) obviously you don't know the true sex appeal of a coupon binder or you yourself would be joining the countless numbers of couponers. As for feeling sorry for the husband…I know them personally and there is nothing that he wants for. He has a wonderful wife and family and takes pride in them. If you were a follower and fan of the blog you would know that he too is a smart, savvy and willing participant in the art of couponing. I realize that couponing is a challenge for some and that it might deter those that find it too stressful. I proudly say that I AM a follower of this lovely blog with a coupon binder (purple so that I can be seen throughout the stores…did I mention the sex appeal of that?). As for being a Nazi as you so cleverly put it…well…I would say we are intelligent, adept, discerning, and resourceful people that know when we have come across a good thing. Long live couponing!! (And check it out…I left my name!)

  37. Anonymous Says:

    I use a binder set up in the same order as the aisles in my favorite grocery store – but my binder is not as cool as yours (it does have a cute design on the front). I also have a 3 hole zippered pencil bag in the front and slide each coupon in it as I put the item in my cart ….. this keeps me from holding coupons in my hands (or worse, dropping or losing one of them!). I think snagging the deals and saving money is cool and although many may not think my binder is cool, several people stop me in the store to take a look or ask how to make one. I love putting coupons I'm not going to use that are expiring soon right on top of the item(s) in the store as a little surprise savings opportunity for the next shopper.Love your blog,

  38. Joy Says:

    When I walk into a grocery store I look like I'm taking a cart load in. I have my big zipper binder, all my reusable bags, my purse, and a jacket in this freezing weather! My cart is full before I get started haha.I love seeing other people with their coupons and giving them a big knowing smile. I'm seeing more and more. Sometimes I'll offer someone a coupon I know I have and probably won't use. They love it. Yes, my husband thinks I'm weird. I'm going to put this link on our Hearts and Hand Blog. I share with other frugal bloggers.Thanks for the pictures.I like your filing system. I've never mastered that category technique, I just went back to alphabetical. It seems to help me find the coupons the quickest.Great post.♥ Joy

  39. MM Says:

    I told my husband what I had to do for this giveaway. My husband must have really wanted to make some "brownie points" by saying, "Tell them, I'm a hot wife, anything I do in regards to coupons looks hot." I guess his "brownie points" ran out and he feels like perhaps he should store some more in case he needs them. Anyway, I try to remain as organized as possible (even though I use the envelope/container system). When I am shopping, I have my lists and coupons that I gathered in seperate "store envelopes" so that as I go onto the next store, I just pull out that envelop to go with it. Though my husband has talked me into getting the binder method. It really seems a lot better, and doesn't seem so overwhelming. This giveaway would be the right motivation to get me to transfer what I have over to a better method. Margie

  40. MM Says:

    I also subscribeMargie

  41. Lori Says:

    Well, how do I make couponing look good…hmmm, I am really a couponing beginner or wannabe you could say so since I started reading your blog I have tried printing some and using them but they are just in a section of my wallet. I really could use this binder so I can be organized. I am totally into organization but we have just moved and I'm lucky to find my toothpaste right now. And, since we are expecting baby #6in March there really are no hopes for me starting my own coupon binder anytime soon.Lori D, in OK

  42. lynda Says:

    I am excited about this giveaway! On Sat. I went couponing for the first time. My 4 kids were with me and they each got an envelope with a different category of coupons. I'm not sure how good we looked, but we were all smiling and it was fun. It worked okay, but I know that this system would be much more efficient! My fingers are crossed!

  43. lynda Says:

    I follow you!

  44. LB @Wait, She Said What? Says:

    Well I'm not big time like you and some of your other readers, so right now I keep mine in my purse with a paperclip. As simple and a little strange as it sounds it does work. Right now I never have more coupons than can fit in a paperclip and it makes it portable. I just make sure to make them all face the same way so they're easy to check throughout the store. I would love to make it more organized and better for travel but had no clue where to even begin! This post is awesome!My email is on my blog and my profile. Great giveaway!LB

  45. Anonymous Says:

    I make coupons LOOK GOOD by LOOKING BAD!! When I use to dress my normal self and use a mega stack of coupons the people in line behind me would growl. So one day when I was sick and still needed to shop I went look like death warmed over with a HUGE stack of coupons and the lines were backed up and no one complained. I guess they felt like it was the only way I could afford to buy groceries! So now I always go shopping LOOKING BAD so that when I get home I LOOK GOOD to my husband for saving money!!

  46. Ryan Says:

    I have an accordion-type binder I use for coupons. I have several different sections, but this Mead Coupon Binder looks MUCH cooler! Hope I win! ;)

  47. Anonymous Says:

    I hated to post as anonymous after seeing others post this way…but I am the anonymous poster and the reason I posted this way is because after 10 attempts to post with my AIM ID it failed. But it let me post as anonymous. Since I put my email address on my post I didnt want to start getting alot of emails from people who thought I was "THE OTHER ANONYMOUS POSTER"

  48. Hillori Says:

    I try to make it look good by showing my husband the money we save, and by trying to share some coupons with the check out person, if they are interested. Your coupon binder rocks! I want one so bad! My binder is way too small and is going to explode any minute!

  49. lmkirb Says:

    I'll admit it, I'm not too cool looking at the grocery store when using my coupons from my Dollar Store coupon holder. Ya know, the cardboard kind…yeah, that's what I use. That's about as cool as it gets for this mom! So here's hoping the coupon fairies are with me and I have a chance at this giveaway!!

  50. jennymartin116 Says:

    Looking cool couponing? Not me! I try to be organized–and end up with copuons in my pockets, in my purse, in the cart! WOW–you are SO organized with this binder==what a great New Years resolutionto get organized and couponing!

  51. Laurie C. Says:

    I try to go shopping super prepared. I try to have a comprehensive list of the items I intend to buy, and generally have the coupons for these items presorted. Prior to to getting to the register I make sure to go through my "stack" to verify that the coupons I hand to the cashier are all valid for the items I'm purchasing. I don't mind making an issue over a coupon, but do like to know that I'm right before I draw attention to it.Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!wmllewis (at) truvista (dot) net

  52. Camille Says:

    I just bought a great purple tote-purse that I put my coupon binder in! I find it hard to keep my binder open in the seats because I can't flip pages without my grocery cart in the way.. and I'm afraid if I have my binder on top of the seat, it will easily topple over. Now when I go into the store, I have my purple tote that looks like a purse and each side zips all the way down to the bottom which makes my tote very wide; I keep my binder in there, opened and still have plenty of room to find my coupons..

  53. E Says:

    I look good couponing by always smiling at the people who give me funny looks!

  54. Amanda Says:

    My kids enjoy helping me grocery shop with coupons. They also get really excited to see how much we can get for free or almost free. They know that coupons save us money that can be spent on fun family activities. I am always polite to the cashier, and I try to shop in the mornings when the stores are not too busy.

  55. Amanda Says:

    Hi, my name is Amanda…..and I am a Coupon Nazi. LOL Actually, I am a happy subscriber and follower of your blog.

  56. aa Says:

    Oh Wow, that was an awesome way to maintain coupons. I am a newbie and still have envelopes as my method. One day I will get to that big organized way. I would love to Win such a wonderful organizer

  57. runninmommyx4 Says:

    I make couponing look good by being calm polite and courteous…..YES even when the cashier isn't being very supportive! 🙂 Thanks!Jenny

  58. MyLitter Says:

    Dear Anon,It is clear that you do not like me or my blog, so I would ask that you stop visiting it and leaving comments. Personal attacks at me are fine but not at my readers.If you would like to email me personally please do so at mylitter@mac.comThanks!Tiffany

  59. Anonymous Says:

    I file all my coupons in baseball sleeves and 2 seperate binders

  60. Risingsouth Says:

    I make couponing look good by getting great deals with my kids. As onlookers check out my savings my girls tell them great tips on how we do it.Risingsouth at aol dot com

  61. glenda Says:

    I think I do my best couponing when accompanied by my son Ethan, after I find the product that I need I hand him my coupon to put into my "coupons to be used" envelope. When I get to the register I just take all of my coupons out in one bunch and hand them to the cahier. It is easy for me and fun for him.

  62. Anonymous Says:

    I am currently using the binder method since your last post on it, but I could definitely use an upgrade! christina taylorcmtaylor@live.comcypress tx

  63. Candice Says:

    I am still trying to figure out the best organizer tool for me! I chatted with a woman at Kroger Friday night who had a binder and think that may be the way to go for me! For now, I make couponing look good with my big ole' smile!

  64. Tyler's Mommy - MK Says:

    I typically prepare the coupons I plan on using before I leave for the store, but certainly before I hit the register. This way I'm not still getting my act together when it's time to check out!

  65. Anonymous Says:

    I am a 24 year old wife to be and me and my fiance rock out a wonderful old school binder I had in college. Sure its not the best but we are saving some serious cash. My mother always and still does, use coupons so I grew up knowing I needed to spend a few hours a week clipping coupons. Adriane:

  66. Trucker Mom Says:

    I use grocerysmarts and print out all of the four and five star items, then I highlight off that list what I am going to buy, gather the coupons for those items and staple them to the list as close to the item as possible. That way I can compare what is on sale with what is on the coupon without spending a lot of time looking for the coupon. I also know that if the item is out of stock the coupon stays on the list and I don't accidentally hand it to the cashier.

  67. The Morrow's Says:

    i have my coupon expand file book in order of the way i go down the grocery isles and will look through my coupon file as I go and pull them out if i want to buy an item. But the coupon book i have is so small…this binder method you came up with looks awesome!

  68. Katie : ) Says:

    Pick me- I still us plastic ziploc bags! Nothing cool about that! Would love a fancy binder! Thanks for another great giveaway!

  69. Anonymous Says:

    Currently, I pull out the coupons that I will need before I go into the store, but inevitably, there are always those products that I wish I had all my coupons for. I started using a make shift binder this weekend but it's not going to last- only 1/2 inch. What helps me coupon, is to put them in order and have my list set. I've been couponing for about 6 months, thanks to you! I hope to improve my set up and spend more time on the organization in the upcoming months. Maria

  70. Anonymous Says:

    I would LOVE this coupon binder. I have just got seriously into coupons the last 6 months or so and I LOVE It. I really need something to oragnize better though !I don't know why my google ID won't work but my email is and I am a fan on facebook 🙂

  71. Anna Says:

    I look cool by carrying around a giant binder! Exactly like the one you're giving away :)This is for the prick who called us all a bunch of Nazi's:"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them anyways.”I love your blog, I'm a follower here and on Facebook and I LOVE YOU 🙂 Thanks for saving me (and my husband who thinks couponing is GENIUS) $100's of dollars this year!

  72. Lora Says:

    I make couponing look good by sticking duplicate coupons, or coupons I'm not going to use, on or next to the item, so other shoppers can use them. I figure it's good karma, and maybe it will get that shopper to use coupons if they don't already.Love your blog!Lora (

  73. Deanna Says:

    I'm not at the point of making couponing 'look good' yet, but I am on my way! I am seriously needing to upgrade to a binder system and would love this! If you get a chance to read through all of these comments, I have a question. I read the reviews of the CaseIt products on Amazon and a few said that the binders ripped early on – but these were being used by middle school kids – what is your opinion?thanks!

  74. Deanna Says:

    I also follow you via Google Reader. Thanks for all your hard work!

  75. MyLitter Says:

    Deanna! I have heard of people having problems with them. I have not and I am very hard on mine. My zipper is still perfect. I have a close friend that had a problem with hers and sent it back to the company and they sent her a new one, she said they were great to work with.I have not found another double ring binder. If anyone comes across one i would like to try it out. My son has a single ring Case It and he hasn't had any problems yet… he is 12 so not careful with anything. Anyone else have any experience with Case It??

  76. englandmom14 Says:

    i am a disabled mom of 4. i am in a wheelchair and have limited use of my hands as well. i make couponing look good because i JUST DO IT! I try to organize my coupons as efficiently as possible (i ADORE your binder as it would make carrying, seeing, and removing them SO much easier for crippled hands 🙂 ) and people see me shopping with them in hand and using them at the register. if "I" can do it then they surely can, right? I also involve my kids whenever possible. Letting them choose a treat that is "new" when we have a coupon (usually especially good ones for new items) is also an incentive for helping hands. These are ways I make couponing look good!debbs

  77. Cindy Says:

    I make couponing look "good" by trying all the suggestions I learn from this site. My coupons are organized in a tiny plastic coupon binder that I carry with me when shopping at the grocery store, CVS, Walmart, etc. I have my coupons organized according to store (Walmart, Kroger, CVS, RiteAid, Dollar General). I also have a section for freebies. I would love to have a binder though where I could keep all of my coupons together in one spot. My little purple binder only holds coupons that I use frequently. I keep all the others at home in large envelopes. My Mom watched me saving money this year couponing so she spent an afternoon making herself a mini coupon organizer. She found an old Hallmark mini album and decorated the front of it and placed all of the coupons she used in the photo sleeves. It works perfectly for her. We make couponing look good by shopping together and never being ashamed of our geeky-looking coupon holders. Several people have stopped us as we are shopping to brag on Mom's photo book. We hand out extra coupons to other shoppers if we spy something in their cart that we have an extra coupon for. I think that being proud of couponing is the best way one can promote this money-saving technique to others!

  78. Anonymous Says:

    I am a Coupon Nazi!!!! and proud of it!!!!!! LOL I am new to this blog and enjoy it i log on everyday to see whats new I am a very happy follower of your blog!!!!!!!! Tiff! u go girl!!! and by the way "anny" has no life and needs to find one!!!!! what a hater!!

  79. Scott & Natalie sherwood Says:

    I am sorry to say that I don't make couponing "look good." My coupons are usually a mess, my baby is eating them or my 2 other kids think the shopping cart is a parade float and use my coupons as confetti. Hopefully a coupon binder could solve that problem.

  80. Marisela Says:

    I try to be as organized as possible(reading your blog everyday sure helps out) and try to do my shopping without my 2 little girls and on my lunch hour!! I would love to wing this binder!!

  81. Anonymous Says:

    hi! i try to make couponing look good by having everything organized and ready to hand to the cashier as I check out…not sorting through coupons at the last minute and holding up the line!! would love to win this, it would help me SOOO much!!lsdrumm@gmail.comThanks!!Laura

  82. Jenny Says:

    I follow you via RSSmswmom at gmail dot com

  83. Jenny Says:

    I actually have that same binder found it on clearance last fall at Walmart for $5!! that was an exciting find.I try to have everything ready before I get to the store so for the most part I am not shuffling coupons around and feeling quite as frazzled. I love my binder, it's a big help!mswmom at gmail dot com

  84. Heather Says:

    I make couponing look good by putting my 4 year old IN the shopping cart and having him hold the list. I then PULL the triplets in a wagon behind me. They are my "look good" accessories for all trips. (not to mention my shopping list from your blog!!)BTW – I have been looking for a binder for 3+ months and am desperate!! Thanks for posting the link to amazon. I can't even find baseball card holders – been to 2 targets, a walmart and an office store. SO

  85. susanmw1 Says:

    I would like to try a binder system . but I am afraid filing and purging would take longer than my box system. I try to pull coupons for specific shopping trips and only take my boxes when I am trolling for unadvertised deals! I don't think my boxes are attractive, but they seem to work for me!

  86. susanmw1 Says:

    I follow!

  87. James and Karen Says:

    I recently converted to a small photo album for coupons, don't know if I like it or not yet.Karen

  88. Ramsey Says:

    Ramsey x3 (I follow and I'm about to tweet about it, plus I'm entering by commenting)As for how I make couponing look good.. well I leave my kid at home, I get dressed up and I get to it. hahahaha!! Actually I'm seriously new to the game and I use this old 80's looking pocket thing that my Mother in Law gave me. See, don't you see that I need to win? 😀

  89. Ramsey Says:

    Oh and I just wanted to add that I also make couponing look good by bringing Shasta with me to point out all the good deals I should be getting. HAHAHAHAHA!!Shasta's the best accessory a girl can have 🙂

  90. Life at The Hadenfeldt's Says:

    I make couponing look good my the saving at the end of the shopping trip. I wish I was more organized so I could get maximum use out of my coupons. I hope that I win 😉

  91. Says:

    I make couponing look good by proving that the "krazy coupon lady" doesn't have to be middle aged…I'm a 23 yr old krazy coupon lady!

  92. Angela Says:

    I make couponing look good by remaining confident and patient while working with store staff. I also like to go when I'm dressed nice from work.

  93. Priya Says:

    I would really love to win this …I am fairly new to couponing and rite now i use an accordion file to store coupons.I make couponing look good by arranging my coupons according to the products I buy and give them to the cashier to make it wasy for her and me .thank you for the opportunity…

  94. Carolyn A. Says:

    I just started serious couponing for my New Year's Resolution. My friend and I are keeping each other accountable by shopping together and figuring all of this out. I'm the organizer, and she's the one brave enough to ask questions or talk to the cashier (politely) at the store.Thanks so much for making this whole couponing lifestyle easier!!!

  95. mrsman99 Says:

    I'm still "wet behind the ears" at couponing! I carry them in a little red accordion case that slips into my purse. I've tried my hand at "roughly" sorting them (with cute little sticker tabs), but still have to sift through each compartment as I'm strolling down the aisles. Last week I even dropped a $1 off coupon for vitamins on the kitchen floor while trying to stuff them in- not realizing, of course, until I got home. And there seems to be some diuretic component to the atmosphere at Wal-Mart, since all three of our children mysteriously "have to go pee" as soon as we're in the doors!! Help!

  96. mrsman99 Says:

    I subscribe also!

  97. Anonymous Says:

    i try to be organized so the check out goes as\ fast as possible so people say wow not oh i hate these coupon peoplelkp21@charterdotnet

  98. Kerrie Says:

    I think i need a coupon binder to help me! I use a plastic shoe box and always look a little

  99. condiefamily Says:

    I am just getting started! I love the binder you have organized-genius! On Monday mornings when I go out to save I always try to dress up and I usually wear a fabulous scarf. I am searching for 'bargain basement' prices-I just dont want to look 'bargain basement'. Thanks for the tutorial!

  100. S. Mitchell Says:

    S. Mitchell, Phx., AZI love your website! It has thought me how to be a smart shopper, although having lots of coupons around annoys the heck out of my husband. So having this binder would be quite helpful! THANKS for all your information!text 602-740-2247 if needed:)

  101. Anonymous Says:

    It's always fun digging through my coupon box while trying to entertain a 2 year old and a 5 year old. This binder would be wonderful!!

  102. Kari P Says:

    My girlfriend and I coupon together which makes it fun. Also, we compliment each other because she will find out about deals I don't know about and I find out about deals she doesn't know about. I use a binder and keep each ad in a plastic sleeve with an itemized list. I don't cut my coupons until I am ready to use them. A more sturdy binder would be awesome, but I think if I won I would probably offer it to my girlfriend. She has outgrown her current system and I think she needs it more than me. Thanks!

  103. SH Says:

    I followbargainfun1 at yahoo

  104. SH Says:

    right now i'm using a couponizer which looks good by itself ! I ve been thinking about switching methods this would help !www.bargainfun.blogspot.combargainfun1 at yahoo

  105. Anonymous Says:

    I don't know that I make it look good, but it sure makes me happy so I guess having a smile on your face while doing it! I'm sure it'd look REALLY good with a new binder!

  106. Tracy Says:

    When I am using coupons, I try to stand at the end of the line. If I am going to do 2 transactions, I tell the cashier that I will get out of line, but a lot of times, the cashier will say that I am o.k. I would love this binder, but don't enter me in the drawing, because I am pulling for one of your previous entries. 🙂

  107. Anonymous Says:

    I make couponing look good when I have the whole line behind me waiting to see how much I saved and being floored by the amount… and I just started seriously coponing about a month ago… but I need a more organized way to do it. It takes me too long right now to get ready for a grocery trip.Janet

  108. Jeanette Says:

    I use 3 smaller coupon files and one BIG purse, but the binder is the holy grail of methods in my opinion. I haven't had the $$ for the initial investment to start my own yet so I would love to win this one!!!couponsandcashmere(at)gmail(dot)com

  109. Money Saving Maine-iac Says:

    I try to have all the FREE coupon prices written in to help the cashier, put the coupons in a neat stack, put all the free iteMs first on the belt and have our preferred custoMer card on top of the stack of coupons. In other words I like to be respectful of the cashier and have everything organized for her.

  110. Megan Says:

    I used to use the envelope method, but I kept getting confused. For the new year, I switched to the binder and have yet to lose/confuse a coupon! My fiance and I went to the grocery store this week and we just paged through the aisles, it looked pro!

  111. Tara Says:

    I am quite new to couponing and have yet to look stylish with 5 children in tow. I am usually on survival mode and just run in and run out. :0)

  112. Steph Says:

    I make couponing look good b/c I always try to be organized and friendly when I get to the checkout.ms0812(at)zoominternet(dot)net

  113. Anonymous Says:

    I make couponing look good by being organized so i can grab the coupons I need quick. denise N.

  114. Anonymous Says:

    I am a follower. Denise N.

  115. kelhorn Says:

    I make it look good by dressing nicely..sometimes a

  116. Maxine Says:

    Right now I use a photo album and it's quite attractive, but not as efficient as this binder would be! You can contact me from my blogger profile page.

  117. Anonymous Says:

    I just smile at the register as my savings adds up and mouths drop open at how much I save. People waiting in line (which are the people who were looking at me earlier in the store)behind me start asking me how long it takes me to plan and gather. I tell them not as long as you think! I love couponing!!

  118. Anonymous Says:

    I try to organize my trip before I go. No children with me helps.

  119. Liberti Says:

    Be organized, Be confident, and don't be afraid to hold up the line a little 🙂

  120. Beverly Says:

    I spend an hour the night before my shopping trip, organizing my coupons and making sure that I put them in order. About 30% of the time I look GREAT! The other 70% of the time, I look like a stressed, harried, mom of two who can't find enough room in her cart to stash all of her great deals! My 3 year old daughter holds my coupons for me, and entertains my one year old while I mutter to myself and rush wildly around the store.

  121. Beverly Says:

    I am a FB fan!

  122. Jillian Says:

    Ummmm…I probably do just the opposite and make couponing look bad. I keep them in a tattered old business envelope that I change out about every 2 months. I'm the lady walking down the aisle with 2 or 3 coupons stuck between her lips. (you'd think I would have learned by now to take them out slowly….ouch)

  123. The Bookworm Says:

    I usually do my coupon shopping without my toddler or with my husband along to help entertain her. That way, she's not grabbing at my coupons and sending all of them flying. 🙂 Also, lately, I've started planning exactly what I'm going to buy, then I retrieve the coupons I need from my binder, and take only those coupons to the store attached to my shopping list. It's helped me stop impulse buying. :)hawaiismn(at)gmail(dot)com

  124. The Bookworm Says:

    I'm a blog follower. Thanks for offering this giveaway!hawaiismn(at)gmail(dot)com

  125. devinkirsten Says:

    I just started clipping coupons this year due to losing my job and becoming a stay at home mom. My husband has been looking for a second job, but in the mean time clipping coupons has helped IMMENSELY!!!! My main problem is coupon organization though this would be amazing to win! You are awesome thanks so much 🙂

  126. devinkirsten Says:

    I'm following you through google reader!

  127. MKB Says:

    I keep my cool at the register. Most of the time they just have to look at the coupon….I just pretend not to notice. I let them take their time.

  128. Anonymous Says:

    Coupon binders rock and although my family no longer shops with me because of it I still save lots of $ and thats what counts.Lori L

  129. Susan Kern Says:

    I make couponing look cool as I save $$ at the checkout. I love it when the cashier and people behind me look impressed with my savings!!

  130. Blissarah Says:

    I make couponing look super cool by having my 2.5 year old help with it. She always spots the coupon i might drop once in a while and she helps me cut out the coupons each sunday.blissarahg @

  131. }*{ Windi }*{ Says:

    I try not to looked to stresses out when couponing. This binder would be awesome i USE 3 DIFFERENT accordian style dividers and still can't always find what I am looking for.

  132. foodfunfamily Says:

    jada@foodfunfamilyI love it. When couponing, I have my kids help me. It's an adventure for them. They are getting a kick out of helping our family save money.

  133. Emily Says:

    People behind in line when they see the coupons come out you can see them cringe, but after the checker announces how much I have saved they are amazed…also I always make sure that I can either shop alone or take my hubby along so he can entertain our little one while I shop!!! emilyjnewbury at gmail dot com

  134. one frugal lady Says:

    I have no idea. If anyone has any tips for making me look more like a smart shopper please let me know! haha! I look like a nervous wreck at the grocery store, counting my savings, and with 3 small children!I need all the organizational help I can get!

  135. michael Says:

    I try to have my coupons ready with what I am purchasing.

  136. Anonymous Says:


  137. Savannah Says:

    Every time someone looks at me with all my coupons like im from mars…i say 'wouldnt you want to cut your bill in half"? And then try to have a good positive attitude, which is so easy when you are getting things for super cheap. :)

  138. Shasta Says:

    I use 4 accordian style files from Target dollar spot one for dry food, one for cold food, one for person/health items, one for household goods and misc coupons. It works well so far. I blogged and facebooked about you!

  139. Bovee Family Says:

    I certainly don't have anything fancy as my coupon holder is falling apart, so the only way I make couponing look good is by paying a fraction of the cost for groceries when I check out.

  140. mom Says:

    we go totally organized and have coupons ready when we shop we have ladies stop and ask us how we do it 🙂

  141. Dani Says:

    Honestly, I try to be organized with my coupons, but I just can't seem to get it together. I've tried the binder method. Mine was obviously not at all like yours. I would love to win this! I think it would get me back on track!

  142. beckystevechurch Says:

    I walk in the store and prop my binder up and take my time shopping. I try to always smile and be polite to everyone. Store associates always are amazed at the size of my binder. I feel the friendlier you are the more people won't mind you taking your time and the more folks will want to learn.

  143. todds_wife Says:

    Wow – I THOUGHT I make couponing look good with my big file – all coupons I planned to use at that store already paperclipped to the front with a list of any stacking deals I wanted to be sure rang up right – but if I had that binder I would be a smokin' hot saving mama!

  144. snbjork Says:

    If only I did look good shopping. I'm usual dressed like a dork because I hurried out of the house, I have one or both kids with me (which equals stressed out and not at all cool) and my current coupon container is an old Huggies wipes container (ghetto, I know).Please help me! =)

  145. Anonymous Says:

    i just use junk envelopes that come in the mail…i could really use this binder so i'd be sharp looking! :-)~eunice brsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  146. Anonymous Says:

    i tweeted 🙂 brsmile2u @dejazzd .com

  147. Amber Says:

    I cheer at the checkout counter! It's not usually voluntary, but when they announce how much I've saved out loud for everyone to hear I just get giddy!!!

  148. brandee williams Says:

    I apparently need some grocery shopping lessons!! I didn't realize it was possible to make grocery shopping look good!! LOL!!

  149. Taryn Says:

    the only way I make it look good right now is by the deals people see me getting. I usually have my 5 kiddos with me so it may not be "pretty" but i've impressed some with the savings….all i have is a coupon box- I love the sounds of your binder!TarynTmm1120 @ comcast dot net

  150. Taryn Says:

    I just signed up to follow you!Tmm1120 @ comcast dot net

  151. Taryn Says:

    Just posted this on my facebook page!Tmm1120 @ comcast dot net

  152. Kelly Says:

    I make couponing look good by trying share my coupons while in the store with others! 🙂

  153. WhirlingVortex Says:

    I make couponing look good by… okay, I'll admit it, I make couponing look pretty bad, with my disorganized ways. But I make up for it with my receipt!

  154. McCurdysZoo Says:

    I have a bright multi colored accordian stlye folder but it is getting too small! This nifty binder would really fit the bill!!

  155. Amber & Kellie Says:

    THe only way is to Stay Organized! If you look a mess then they are never going to want to touch a coupon.I always carry a business card with me and hand them a coupon to get a free product along with my business card.. Keep a smile on your face, Dress nice.. don't go in your jammies! I have not yet tried this system. I tried the binder that does not shut and I hate it.. I was ready to switch back to the box and decorate it cute, I'd love to Win this and try it out- maybe you can change my mind!!! I'm going to add this post to my website as well.. gonecouponcrazyandmore.comhave a great Thanks!

  156. Cynthia Says:

    I always try to look like I have it together as I chase my 3 year old off the shelves and keep sitting my 20 month old down in the seat-that does not have a working seatbelt. All this while digging through the coupon box to see if I have the coupon for the item not listed in the sales paper.

  157. LB Says:

    I"m not quite sure LOL Just be nice to the cashiers I'd say. Don't get mad at them for following policy – doing their jobs. If you think you're in the right, speak to a manager. Just be nice 🙂

  158. Terri Stewart Says:

    Try as I might, I don't know if I ever make couponing look sexy. But, I do make it cute, because my 3 year old has to have her own cooopons when we go shopping.

  159. LB Says:

    I follow you!petrelliyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  160. Kerrie Says:

    I follow your blog!

  161. julie Says:

    I have my binder set up for the store that I generally shop at and for the way I shop. I usually will do the non food items first since I spend about one and a half hours shopping when I shop. And then I do the non perrishable foods, then I go to the produce and refrigerated stuff and I finish up with the frozen foods. It takes so long because they have a lot of stuff on sale that does not show up in the add and there is no rhyme or reason as to when they will start or finish.

  162. Deb o Says:

    I hand the cashier the coupons and tell her what each of them are for. It always pays to help them out and be the nicest you can be. I really need a good binder so I can become better organized.

  163. Anonymous Says:

    I make my husband carry them and pick out the ones we need.

  164. Leslie Says:

    I put coupons in the cart or coffee cup holder as I put the item in the cart so I only hand them the coupons for the items I have in the cart.

  165. Jenn Says:

    I could never find the pages in Walmart so I ordered them from this website: reasonable price wise and I got them in a few days. I would certainly order from them again if I need to.

  166. mistinchad Says:

    I try to always be ready when I check out. i have all my coupons in hand ready to hand them over so I don't hold up the line! A binder would be awesome!

  167. Emily B Says:

    I always make couponing look good when I have two crying kids in my cart that are also fighting and Im flopping my coupons on the ledge and they are falling allover the ground. Then come to find out half of them are expired! I am so good at couponing;))

  168. Chantel Says:

    My mom never used coupons growing up, just rewards cards, but since getting married I'm getting "in to" coupons…when I can find or get them! We don't have a printer and don't seem to get many mail coupons but I get what I can take and keep them in a tiny little envelop in my purse. The ones I'm not planning to use go in my small organizer, but in the future, I hope that will be too small. This sounds great!alaskawildrose AT gmail DOT com

  169. Shannan Says:

    I'm a mess and keep coupons wadded up in my coat pocket and it a cup in my car. I guess the only way I make it look cool is by smiling at the cashier when I had her over my coupon loot! Ha!

  170. Shelley Says:

    The fact that I use coupons at all makes me look good. Surely people think I'm smart and savvy with my binder, and my spreadsheet, my calculator,and all my envelops. If only I could keep it all organized…

  171. Megan Says:

    My couponing looks good when my totals are crazy low :)

  172. Anonymous Says:

    When the cashier ask how do I do

  173. jennie Says:

    I have started this in November 09 with the help of a Great Friend and neighbor. Any way I am having fun to see how much I can save. My oldest son gets a kick out of it as well he makes the statement we going to rob the store again. We dont really rob them just use coupons. Thanks for this site keep up the GREAT work.

  174. ohhollyf Says:

    I make it look good by never breaking a rule, no outta date cqns in my pile, nor B2G$off with only one item in order, b/c I want it to look good to the cashiers, so they work with me.

  175. Rachel Says:

    I just started so I REALLY need one of these!!!

  176. A Musing Mom (Taylorclan6) Says:

    How to make couponing look easy at the store:Zebra 4" spiked heels, no, make that four. Fishnet stockings, and a very tight leopard skin short skirt. Skin tight, cut low blouse with my black demi bra. Hair to heaven, ratted, smeared mascara under my eyes, mullet…Did you mean how to make myself look easy while couponing or did I misunderstand the question.

  177. Missy Says:

    I always try my best to have all my coupons ready before I ever approach the registers. I don't want to be fumbling for coupons while the cashier waits on me!

  178. Becky Says:

    I haven't figured out how to make it look good yet! I've been couponing since June 09 and still get a ton of dirty looks everywhere I go!! I did get a cute tote bag to carry my coupons in though! (On clearance of course! $3 at Target!)

  179. 123 checkoutourfamily Says:

    I try to make it look good by staying organized.I'll pull my coupons according to the store I'm shopping at and whip them out at the checkout.I try to be organized and this coupon book looks

  180. 123 checkoutourfamily Says:

    I'm posting about your blog but my blog is private so hopefully it'll still be

  181. lisaj Says:

    i would love to win this….that rocks!

  182. Anonymous Says:

    Tiff, I think you are the only one who can make this look good. I am un-coordinated to begin with, but I always try to wear a smile, so that is something. I can only hope and aspire to be a true coupon Nazi, so that I can save lots and lots of cash! What a jerk that guy was. Oh well, anyone who knows you knows how awesome you are. Thanks for the blog as always. My binder needs help!! :)Amy

  183. Jennifer H Says:

    I need help w/couponing still. I've been doing it since Nov and have saved my family atleast 50% of our grocery budget which I am proud of, but my poor dining room table is a mess! I would love to win the binder so I could make couponing look better! 🙂 Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

  184. Anonymous Says:

    would love to win this so i CAN look good while couponing. i'm always so unorganized and all over the

  185. Lelee Says:

    Tiffany, I use a binder system like you describe and am a PROUD nazi coupon woman! I make couponing look good by passing along coupons and sticking them in the shelves (esp the diaper ones which we have outgrown). I also get so excited about my savings that the cashiers get happy too. Thanks for all the deals, keep up the great work. Good karma to all couponers!

  186. Tracey Says:

    That's easy…. when I have a loaded cart and a handful of coupons I get the ugly looks, but when the tally has been tallied and I pay a fraction of the cost the ugly looks all go away. Then I get questions and I am happy to give answers with a smile. :-). I also follow you. Thanks…

  187. Hillary Jones Says:

    I make couponing look good by 'trying' to stay organized and having all the coupons ready to go at the right time during check-out! This coupon binding would make it much easier! Thanks for this opportunity!

  188. Mrs. Efird Says:

    Love this binder. I am a newbie that is helping other newbies. I am trying to become the saver and frugal Mama that my family needs me to be!!!

  189. Mrs. Efird Says:

    I will make couponing look good while I balance my 18 month old on one hip and the coupon binder on the other, And still manage to push the cart full of groceries while only selecting sale items to fill up the cart.

  190. Anonymous Says:

    I must make it look good because I even have CASHIERS asking me where I found certain coupons. People in other lines ask me too. So I must be doing something right, but I am disorganized and it honks me off when I get home and realize that "I had a coupon for that!" LOLtheindy4 at sbcglobal dot net

  191. aggelikii Says:

    This binder would definitely help me look good at the supermarket when shopping, would love to win. Otherwise right now my new "looking good" ways are envelopes. I separate all my coupons in different envelopes, boy do I need some serious help. I am new to couponing, probably just a few months so I am still learning. I could use all the help I can

  192. KellyH Says:

    Hello! I came over via dealseekingmom! I make couponing look good (or try to) by having everything ready for the cashier. Any free coupons I have I save those items for last, so the prices are easy for them to find. Thanks!

  193. Katie Says:

    I am actually a new "Nazi" couponer!! And I am loving it. I am a mother of 7, and stay at home. I have decided the one way I can help with income in the family is to use coupons. I have saved SOOO much at places like CVS and Target. I have a small coupon organizer that is busting at the zipper…I would LOVE to win a new binder to use while shopping. I love that it can hang on my shoulder as my youngest are 1 and 2, so holding the hands of my kids are important. As far as making it look good, I take my time in the store shopping and make sure I have my coupons out and ready to be scanned so as not to hold up the checkout line. I think when you can be courteous to others it makes saving all that money a little more extra special. I love your blog, and I am a FB fan. Thanks for taking so much time out of your life to help others. Katie

  194. Niki Says:

    I'm probably too late for this fabulous give-away, but wanted to try anyway. I'm new to couponing and all the blogs and websites that are available to help me. I can't wait to become better organized with the stacks of coupons I have. We have always just tried to buy generic items or watched the sales. I'm doing an "Extreme Makeover Financial Edition" in our family. We have 7 total and it's time for Mommy to get her Money Saving Weapons out and save as many dollars as I can! Enjoyed your site. Found it through Have a great day!

  195. Angie Says:

    I divide up the coupons by sections in the grocery store and assign the sections to my kids. They have fun looking for the items and helping me determine if its a good deal or not. Getting items for pennies or even free sometimes is GREAT!!

  196. Anonymous Says:

    Hi, I make couponing look good because the money I'm saving makes me have a smile on my face! I'm a single mother of three (all girls at that!) and am new at couponing! My new found obession has been such a financial blessing. Where in the past, I only have enough on hand to suffice what we really needed. Now, for the first time in a very long time, I am able to stock up on some of our most used items!While shopping, I want to be well organized (at least give off that impression) so I may influence others to coupon!! 🙂 I much enjoyed your site! Thank you so much!

  197. Anonymous Says:

    I try to have all the coupons that I'll need already out and organized. Then I can just pull out the rest if I find a marked down item.darrellmiamichickens at yahoo dot com

  198. Twiley35 Says:

    I 4 SURE make shopping sexy lol!I always look my best. I am friendly and I make a list and check it twice. I have my two helpers ages 11 & 7. I have a store ad and paper clip the enveloped coupons to the ad. If I forget something I have my brainy children to remind me. I am hoping to get a handy binder to complete my organization skills.

  199. Twiley35 Says:

    I 4 SURE make shopping sexy lol!I always look my best. I am friendly and I make a list and check it twice. I have my two helpers ages 11 & 7. I have a store ad and paper clip the enveloped coupons to the ad. If I forget something I have my brainy children to remind me. I am hoping to get a handy binder to complete my organization

  200. Anonymous Says:

    While I always look presentable while out shopping and I have my adorable 17 month old daughter with me, I am sure I look frazzled by passerbys. My daughter likes to help mommy with the couponing by either hiding the coupon I need on me, dropping it 4 aisle behind us, or passing them out to all the people who stop to chat with

  201. Liz R. Says:

    I don't look good or organized but I have a box and separate envelopes for types of products.erauls at sbcglobal dot net

  202. N.M. Says:

    I absolutely love your blog! I've tried couponing before, but never felt so motivated. I try to stay organized by keeping my coupons in a small check file that fits in my purse. That way they're always handy when I run in the store. I love getting a good deal and checking out the clearance shelves. I get so excited when I find an item on sale that I have a coupon for! For example, today at Target I found OUST 2 for $5. I used a buy one, get one coupon, so I got my OUST for $1.25 a can! Then I had a buy one, get one coupon for Bic razors. There happened to be several "bonus" packs on the shelf, so instead of getting two 10 packs for the price of one, I got two 14 packs for the price of one! 28 razors for $2.94 = That's just over 10 cents a razor! I loved watching my husbands face at the checkout today when our total went from $134.33 to $102.83. $31.50 in savings, just by combining my coupons with in-store specials and clearance items. I'm still just an amateur, so thanks for all of your help!:)

  203. The Whitakers Says:

    I make shopping with coupons look great because I always save so much with coupons and everyone in line behind me is so amazed!!

  204. The Whitakers Says:

    I'm a follower.

  205. Anonymous Says:

    i have a cute wooden box, that is the perfect size for coupons, and made my own dividers. It sits nicely in my buggy!Julie …

  206. Anonymous Says:

    I love your blog and would love to have this huge binder for my coupons!! I'm new to couponing and this would surely get me going full force!Thanks…Heather

  207. Barrett Says:

    I make couponing look good by including all five of my kids. My four oldest are experts at searching out the blinkies and peelies! They have fun finding the exact products that match my coupons. And they love that we are able to get so many more "treats" now that Mom is a couponer!

  208. April Says:

    To make couponing look good, I'm sure to leave my 3 year old at home. Otherwise, I'm dropping coupons throughout the store and too stressed to search for the great deals. I've also been so distracted by him at the checkout that I've left before I realized I never gave the person my coupons! Still working on an organizational system and love the binder!april_sweeney@hotmail.comThanks!

  209. fiveofakind Says:

    I'm a Follower!!

  210. April Says:

    Facebook fan!

  211. Anonymous Says:

    I try to be as organized as I can be before I even hit the store. I pull out coupons for items I know I will purchase. Nikki Corbin

  212. April Says:

    Email Subscriber.Thanks!

  213. fiveofakind Says:

    Hi! Matching up the adds with the coupons Before shopping helps and just taking those coupons along with the list of what to buy seems to help with couponing. Even though there are some things things that pop up on sale that you think you have a coupon for so we keep the binder in the van for those times (just hoping that the binder made its way Back into the van!)

  214. Anonymous Says:

    Cashiers frequently comment on the amount saved after coupons. Money saved makes couponing look good!I've been wanting to switch to a binder for awhile now. It would be great to win!!!mlkeysor03 at embarqmail dot com

  215. Tina Says:

    I Plan! I go through my sale papers and make a list. I then pull the coupons ahead of time and clip to my list. I then buy only what I need ( from my list)and I already have my coupons pulled and ready to hand over.

  216. Anonymous Says:

    I believe I make couponing look so great thanks to the help of you and a few of my other fav blogs. I always seem to make the customers be hind me say WOW when my total goes from 100.00 down to 10.00 and also my current(smaller) binder is so organized thanks to you and your help. Thank you as a single mother saving money to do stuff with the kidsBrandy

  217. Jennifer Sakolosky Says:

    Not sure I make couponing look good, but my 4 year old son has made up a song he sings while we shop. He keeps singing 'I have a coupon, I have a coupon, I have a coupon…' I love your site. It's definitely been a great help to my family. Thanks!

  218. Coupon Monster Girl Says:

    I make couponing look good by saving so much money. The checkout cashiers and people behind me in line are often amazed!mommylaura73@livecom

  219. Robin Culp Says:

    I make couponing look good by not wearing some of the cloths you know we have all seen in those mass latest emails of Walmart from every different state! Oh yeah, i try to write a list before i go to the store of what coupon i am going to use with what is on sale.

  220. The Short Mom Says:

    Oooh! I have a binder but not a fancy one like this! I just try to keep my coupons organzied and make sure to throw my expired coupons away because I always seen coupons crumpled up in carts that people have just thrown in there.

  221. Ben and Mel Says:

    Well… between the 18 month old and the 4 year old… we are always doing something to draw attention to ourselves at the store. I make couponing look good by getting my daughter involved, getting things off the shelf and such. Also, to pass the time since it takes longer to coupon we are usually singing some kind of song to keep the kids occupied… yes… I do get looks, but I save money and I do it the best I can!

  222. kristen vanlue Says:

    i follow your blog…i check in at least 5 times a day, to see if there are any new "can't miss" deals! i have 2 month old baby girl at home, and am very new to couponing. this binder would make a mighty fine addition to the shopping cart, along with the diaper bag, and of course my little pumpkin. :)

  223. Jennifer G Says:

    I try to make couponing look good by being organized at the store. I pull my coupons out of my coupon holder as I pick the items up and put them in the front section of the holder. That way when I get to the checkout I have everything ready and don't look all flustered digging through hundreds of coupons in front of the

  224. Jeanne Says:

    When I go into a store I put my purse into the play where a child would normally set. I then place my binder on top of my purse and open it to the first department that I plan to visit (usually the health and beauty. Almost every one that walks by me comments on what a great idea and system I have. I always make sure that I comment on how sensible and easy it is to cut coupons. I always make sure that I engage in a friendly conversation with the cashier as I am checking out.I think that this helps put the cashier at ease and make for a great check out. Jeanne

  225. Short On Cents Says:

    Try to make couponing look good by simply smiling at the cashier and folks behind you in line once you've paid and know it's there turn and they ask for your help : ) Super Cool! lvn777 at charter dot net

  226. Short On Cents Says:

    Already follow your lovely blog lvn777 at charter dot net

  227. Anonymous Says:

    My current "look" is a couple of ragged envelopes. A binder would be so much cooler!

  228. Christie Says:

    I don't have a coupon binder, so I decide before I go what coupons I am going to use and put them in order of the aisles. If I see something I think I have a coupon for at home, I don't buy it. I make a mental note, and as soon as I get home, I find the coupon and make a quick trip to the store the next day. We live less than a minute from our Kroger so it is not a big deal. But, being able to take all of my coupons to the store would be a great time saver.

  229. Anonymous Says:

    I don't look so hot couponing (this binder would make me look much better) – the coupons are usually stuffed in my hand as I shop at 11:00 pm (I leave my 4 sons and dh at home!) – thank goodness for 24 hour stores :)

  230. tntmich Says:

    Me! Well I don't make it look cool now, but that binder might help! I'm a little "green" at this…sadly I have them in my checkbook holder 😦

  231. laura Says:

    I am sooooo not organized right now! My purse is a disaster and I hate taking it with me anywhere… which is sad because it is a coach purse! and thats just where i keep my regular coupons… i have a second bag for the rest.. its a mess… i miss a lot of deals…Thanks for the chance!Laura(dot)newsol(at)gmail(dot)com

  232. Anonymous Says:

    Prior to going shopping, I peruse my coupon folder to check for any products needed. I keep them at hand when shopping, and frequently look through them to make sure I get everything.Couponing makes itself look good by showing the money saved on the receipt!-Deniseshortypaints (at) hotmail (dot) com

  233. Rachel Says:

    I wish that I could make couponing look better! I have a horrible system. That said, I know I always have a smile whenever I save… and I usually say something goofy to the checkout person about how excited I am!

  234. Carolyn Says:

    I try to always have my coupons pulled out of my binder & in an envelope, so that I'm not bumbling down the aisles looking lost & afraid. 😉

  235. Erin Winters Says:

    I make couponing look "good" by taking along my two cute kiddos. My almost 2-year-old insists on saying "Hi" to everyone we pass. He's my secret weapon!Erin W

  236. Trish Says:

    I always have my coupons ready when I get to the check-out. This helps me look like I know what I'm doing and cuts down on the glares from people behind me.

  237. Kristel Says:

    I just always separate which coupons I plan to use so I don't have to be sifting through alllll my coupons at the store.

  238. Running The Race... Says:

    I look good by loving couponing… people always stop to ask how I make it look so easy!

  239. Sylvia Says:

    I take my big purse. I stick my organizer inside and move the coupons I use to the front pocket so I'm ready at checkout. This is my attempt to be efficient and discreet and keep my coupons from being stolen. Man, I could use an attractive and much more functional binder. What I'm doing now is not worth the time I spend on clipping those coupons. I have recently started filing my coupons in plastic sleeves. I should be binder empowered soon (it would just happen so much faster if I won) Come on kids!!! Choose me.PS Mark told me to say that I wear my stillettos haahaa. I guess he hasn't noticed how I walk {and trip) in high heels!

  240. rzig Says:

    I have to start by saying that that book is amazing. I have a awesome blue butterfly coupon organizer with a pen and notebook inside. My four year old is even excited about coupons now!

  241. Sarah Says:

    I file my coupons in 2 "check organizers" – one for groceries and the other for toiletries and everything else. I carry it all in a cute black & white lands end tote bag. Stylish savings gotta love it! sarahntherese@yahoo.comThanks!

  242. tink Says:

    I am new to couponing, but i gotta tell ya I love it so far, It makes ya feel so good when you come out making money, now if I can just keep all the coupons straight.

  243. Colleen Says:

    I prepare my list and coupons before shopping and stick to it as much as possible. I make couponing look good at the checkout when everyone around me is shocked by the

  244. Amy Says:

    I do my coupon shopping at night when my little ones are at home with my husband. Then I can take my time and let it be a relaxing, not stressful, evening!

  245. Anonymous Says:

    I wish I made couponing look sexy!! I use a white paper envelope with the ones I know I will use in the front. I keep the rest in the order of the store. I could REALLY use the binder!! Those envelopes don't last long. LOL!!

  246. Anonymous Says:

    I follow

  247. Deal Queen Says:

    I look cool by sharing my coupons!

  248. Cindy Says:

    I have been using coupons for years, but just recently have been power couponing. I still haven't worked out a good system. I always have the ones I plan on using ready, but if I run across an unexpected deal then I have to search through my mess.

  249. Heather O'Donnell Says:

    I don't know if I look good….I usually have a handful of coupons in one hand, my shopping list in the other and a pencil sticking out of my ponytail. But I try! If I'm feeling especially organized, I'll highlight the items on my list that I also have a coupon for. :-)heatherinaz at gmail dot com

  250. Rachel Says:

    My coupons are kept in a small accordion file that is meant for receipts. Before I go to the store I pull the coupons out and put them in an envelope marked for it. Then at the store I move the coupons that I am going to use to another envelope so I can easily hand it to the cashier. That is how I try to make couponing look good :)

  251. Amanda T Says:

    I try to always look my best when going out but I do go grocery shopping with my 16 month old and she makes me look good 🙂 I have a nice black index card box very neatly organized and then I have my papers for price matching it sounds like your system could really help 🙂 I would love to

  252. terry_m_78218 Says:

    I love using coupons and saving money but everytime I go to the groceries I seem to forget about my coupons. I love going to my grocery store they have where you buy a certain product on sale and you get several items free with it. I can use the binder to help organize my coupons and I won't forget them at home

  253. ashli Says:

    I try to make couponing look good by having all my coupons in a neat stack by time I get to the cashier.THANKS!

  254. Jamie Says:

    Trying to be organized. And when the guy behind me at Walgreens said, "wow I guess it pays to save your coupons." I knew I'd made couponing look good to him.

  255. Crazy Daisy Says:

    Honestly, I'm not sure I am the most organized coupon clipper/user out there. However I do try to make it look good by at minimum seeming to be organized when I'm at the store. I use envelopes to sort coupons now. This binder is awesome! foreverdaisies65 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  256. Susan S Says:

    I have a weekly file for my inserts and I so want to put together a binder as I have seen many deals that I wish I had my coupons with me but I am such a follower that up to now I just look at the blogs and follow those deals I feel like I miss out on so many but am a bit afraid to cut all the inserts up because then I won't know what week to find the ones you list! I would love to get one to get me on the binder wagon as for right now the best I can do is be a courteous couponer by being polite to cashiers and to others customers by letting them ahead of me in line if I have more than one transaction! I really really wish I had a binder for the Randalls half off sale last week! Oh well hopefully I will win and it will be a great motivator to get myself into the binder mode! Thanks for all you do you have saved me so much $$$$.

  257. Suzy Says:

    I always make couponing look good by coming into the store organized and ready to shop! I always try to keep my cool if things aren't going my way at checkout and I politely point out why I should be able to use my coupons :)saksheppard (at) gmail (dot) com

  258. Anonymous Says:

    I have been couponing for years and I am just learning about the binder! Sooooo cool! As others have stated I always dress nice and I'm organized – especially when I'm checking out – makes a good impression on those around you. 🙂

  259. Melissa Says:

    I love couponing! I usually read a couple blogs that I know have a list for the store that I'm going to and make a list of the free and cheap stuff I want. I also put all the coupons that I know I will be using in the front page of my binder so I am not flipping thru the pages too much. I try to act like I know what I'm doing even if the numbers aren't adding up the way I planned. So I guess you can say I make it look easy. The double ring binder would be great to have so I can put my grocery and CVS coupons together. Have a great day!

  260. Jennifer Says:

    I make couponing look good with the help of my two toddlers. 🙂 People can't resist stopping and asking what they're doing. I also give out coupons that I have on hand to those who are purchasing an item that I don't need. :)jenlan.craftymama @

  261. Jennifer Says:

    I'm following you on Twitter @ craftymomjenlanjenlan.craftymama @

  262. Jennifer Says:

    Tweet – @

  263. The Short Mom Says:

    I facebooked your contest too!

  264. Leah Harrell Says:

    I try so hard to make coupon shopping look good with my envelope system…but I know I would look amazing with the binder!!Thanks!

  265. Anonymous Says:

    as right now I don't have organize method so it really doesn't look to good but am trying and am not going to give up I really need a system like your I just don't have organizational skills.

  266. Kristin Says:

    I try to be prepared with the coupons I'm going to use all collected in one place (along with my shopping list) prior to entering the store.

  267. Rachel Bickford Says:

    That binder is fabulous! I currently use small envelopes and accordian files, but this would be great to have! I often get people in line behind me that comment on how I can get all that stuff for usually under a dollar. It's fun to surprise people in that way! I am a

  268. Oergel Says:

    Beautiful binder – great hints!

  269. Anonymous Says:

    I go shopping when my little one is at school. I use a coupon binder and love it. If I win, I am giving the new binder to my friend who wants to start couponing too. Thanks so

  270. Tina Says:

    I try to have my coupons organized and ready to hand to the cashier….so it isn't a mad scramble and I don't hold up people in line behind me…most of the times I pull it off…but occasionally I still get to the cashier with missing coupons, or I drop them and my folder all over the floor…etc etc….at least I try to be organized!

  271. The Benson Family Says:

    I dress nice…no more sweats at the grocery store and people are always so impressed to see how much I save! I am always excited to see how much comes off the bill too! I have my little divided coupon box which has been working so far but I need something bigger now. 🙂

  272. Laura Says:

    I make couponing look good by shopping with my husband – he makes everything look good!


    Hi, I make couponing look good by using a binder … much smaller than yours though … And frequently get comments on being so organized … Apparently not many people use binders in my area. I follow you on Facebook and receive your newsletter by email.

  274. Katie Says:

    How I make couponing look good? Organization and friendliness. People are always stopping me to look at my binder. It's fun to tell them how much I save, how I got started, etc. I thank my cashiers, pass coupons to the people behind me if I can, and smile a lot. I am THANKFUL for the gift of coupons, and I think gratitude makes a person winsome. hedgesbills@gmail.comThanks for this incredible giveaway! I've been wanting to make a binder for my father-in-law, so this could be an AWESOME way to do it!

  275. Katie Says:

    I also subscribe!

  276. jenn Says:

    Wow! This looks alot more organized than my envelope system just shoved in my purse. This could really help!

  277. Anonymous Says:

    The best thing that helps me is to get my husband or mom to watch my 2 year old. Otherwise, it's like a 3 ring circus when I'm shopping. Especially during the Mega Sales at Kroger!!Lauratcgirl11(at)yahoo(dot)com

  278. J. Lopez Says:

    I make couponing look awesome using a big blue binder with colorful dividers! I absolutely love it and look forward to each shopping trip. Thanks again for my binder! It makes couponing so much more convenient and Im way more organized than when I was using envelopes. I can find my coupons so much easier so my baby isn't getting impatient with me anymore, therefore I do have less poop stained shirts!

  279. Sandy Says:

    Wow, I am sad I missed this giveaway! I totally need a coupon binder to organize my life!

  280. barb ob Says:

    please i sooo need this

  281. Poland Says:

    I have an accordion-style binder that's small. I have it separated into different compartments (dairy, produce, boxed items, etc). I pull out the coupons I know I am going to use for that shopping trip BEFORE I go to the store and put it in the front pocket of my binder. This works for me, but I'm definitely not a pro at

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